
This API returns the transaction being queried in json format.

RPC Method: script.GetTransaction

Query Parameters

hash: the transaction hash*


block_hash: hash of the block that contains the transaction

block_height: height of the block that contains the transaction

status: status of the transaction

hash: the hash of the transaction itself

transaction: the details of the transaction

// Request

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"script.GetTransaction","params":[{"hash":"0xf3cc94af7a1520b384999ad106ade9738b6cde66e2377ceab37067329d7173a0"}],"id":1}' http://localhost:16888/rpc

// Result


"jsonrpc": "2.0",

"id": 1,

"result": {

"block_hash": "0x9f1e77b08c9fa8984096a735d0aae6b0e43aee297e42c54ce36334103ddd67a7",

"block_height": "3",

"status": "finalized",

"hash": "0xf3cc94af7a1520b384999ad106ade9738b6cde66e2377ceab37067329d7173a0",

"transaction": {

"fee": {

" SCPTWei ": "0",

" SPAYWei ": "1000000000000"


"inputs": [{

"address": "0x2e833968e5bb786ae419c4d13189fb081cc43bab",

"coins": {

" SCPTWei ": "0",

" SPAYWei ": "20000001000000000000"


"sequence": "1",

"signature": "0x2f8f17b13c07e57d4c5d2c89e87d9e608f0eff22ef1f96eed5647b063265450216ef4f7a8578bf702cf26db00fb2e758521873bb1b68528325c84b59a2debc7400"


"outputs": [{

"address": "0x9f1233798e905e173560071255140b4a8abd3ec6",

"coins": {

" SCPTWei ": "0",

" SPAYWei ": "20000000000000000000"






Last updated